Thursday, September 29, 2011

BP technology challenge!

On  Tuesday the 27th of September 2011 
Some members of the Senior Syndicate were chosen to represent  and take part in the BP technology challenge. Their were three challenges  one was a  message carrier that  was made out of a balloon,paper clips,two sheets of paper,cellar tape  and a wood. In the second  challenge we had to make stilts out news paper, tape and string. The last challenge we didn't know  what we had to do ,we had to make a cannon to hold a film canister that had a  explosive tablet in it. To make it we had newspaper two green sheets of card  and tape. Unfortunately we didn't get a placing but we had fun and enjoyed it! Participators were Tiahna,Sabian,Logan, Jyles, Leticia, Benjamin, Cameron and Josh.

Written By Tiahna and Sabian.

1 comment:

Room 5 2011 so far! Week 1 and 2. Aue!!!!

I've Been Everywhere Man, Kiwi Style!!

Our clean up song. We love this. Help this language to stay alive and sing it too.

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This is one of the latest songs we are learning to sing.